Just a quick little blurb to let anyone who reads this blog (All five of you; you know who you are) know that the CMFranke Photography Facebook page is back online. It had been taken down in order to be streamlined; The initial iteration was loaded with too many random, oddly chosen photos and mismatched watermarks from my days of trying to settle on one branding logo. Well, now we are back up and running on FB, so come along and "Like" the page, and keep tuned to the latest and greatest. Woo Hoo! (and so forth)
I have this image that keeps recurring in my mind. It involves the cold blue feeling of a dark winter and the glowing orange of a firelight. So far it seems to keep eluding me, although I think this is largely because every attempt I have made to capture this "mood" has been done in a hurry, or in the rain, or some other situation that forced me to run through it rather than walk it out. This shot is one such version. I may need to go back with a slightly different lighting setup and try some more. Perhaps in a different location.
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