W hether you saw the movie Inception and loved it, or hated it, (I loved it) you have to admit - they made the dream sequences very interesting. Maybe not as stylized and bizarre as they could have been, but that might have distracted from the story line at hand. Personally, I loved the moment when the Cobb character explains to Ariadne: "...D reams, they feel real while we're in them, right? It's only when we wake up that we realize that something was actually strange. " It always struck me how true that is: The things we see and take as perfectly normal in a dream, are really outlandish when we see them through the filter of our waking normality. A person walking down a street transforms into a scurrying mouse on the curb, which soon becomes an eagle lifting off to become a small airplane ascending into the sky. As it begins to then transmute into a huge jet airliner, somehow, through all of that, we understand - we just "know" - that the person we ...
If a picture is worth a thousand words, shouldn't "Wow!" be the first one?