T here will be some HUGE changes to this blog in the coming days... E ssentially it has dawned upon me that the reason people come to a photography blog - or at least this one - is not to have me ramble on and on with my thoughts about the art and science of photography. It is to SEE some photography! Philosophy and an eloquently stated world-view are nice, but they can take up 'a thousand words'. And we all know what is worth a thousand words... So: On with the pictures! S tarting this summer, the blog will be redesigned and will henceforth be a place to see photographs ; along with a little behind the scenes information as to the how's and whys that went into the creation. So get ready for a much more visual blog, as I stop telling you - and start SHOWING you - how I can put you in pictures!!
If a picture is worth a thousand words, shouldn't "Wow!" be the first one?