R ecently there has been a HUGE controversy brewing within the photography community regarding the comments of some so-called "rock star photographers," wherein they sell beginners on the admonition to just grab a camera, go out and shoot a wedding [as if that were somehow the time to learn!] and 'fake it until they make it.' Phrases like "spray and pray" have moved over from the world of gunfighting, and military ops (yes, that's where it originated) to now describe a photography technique that consists of popping off countless images in the hopes of capturing a good one. There is also a huge trend toward people being obsessively concerned with marketing themselves as wildly successful photographers; and gaining FB friends, Twitter followers and building up a ginormous fan base of people that will apparently just randomly write checks and send them. There is one key element that gets lost in the mix of all this 'feel good and...
If a picture is worth a thousand words, shouldn't "Wow!" be the first one?